Heather Huffman and husband Justin LaMonda

The readers who’ve been with me for a while have seen me go through various stages. I’ve been a homesteading mom to three boys. An advocate for social justice. A single mom, fighting fiercely to make a better life for my kids. Most recently, a full-time nomad, traveling with two dogs and camping out of the back of an SUV while catching up on some overdue adventures and trying to figure out what I wanted my life post-children to look like.

And then everything changed, when I settled in an adorable little town in an old brick building overlooking the Missouri River. I decided that I was content, and if God wanted me to find love, he’d just have to drop a man in my lap.

So he did.

Now I’m living my own happily ever after with someone so perfect for me it feels like we were literally made for each other—someone who made me believe in soul mates again.

Whatever else I’ve been, whatever the stage of life, I’ve always been a dreamer. I believe in the power of hope and that good wins. If good isn’t winning, the story’s not finished.


My books cross genres enough to make any good book marketer cringe, but they all have those threads of joy and hope woven through them.

The line at the top of this page comes from one of my favorite songs, Rainbow Connection: The lovers, the dreamers, and me. I’m pretty sure it’ll be my next tattoo because I don’t want to forget to keep chasing rainbows.

It’s my hope that when you read my books, you’re entertained. You smile. You’re able to escape from life just a bit. And most importantly, you remember that it’s okay to dream big. Your story is still being written; if there’s a breath in your body, it’s not too late to change it.

Some see a weed, others see a wish.

I want to always be the person who sees the wish.